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1 (20160921)
Business Models and Performance of Global Construction Contractors
발표자 : 장유진

• To overcome the limitations of existing frameworks, three fundamental requirements was derived and business model framework composed of component layer, decision layer, and proxy layer was proposed.
− Promote advance in the conceptualization and implementation of BM framework
− Can be applied not construction industry but also other industries as using widely available accounting data

• Based on the literature review, challenging issues stemmed from the concept of fit were proposed and integrated research model with respect to these issues and hypotheses was developed.
− Build theoretical basis for getting useful knowledge in terns of the integration points

• Having cases of global construction contractors, hypotheses were tested by various statistical techniques. The results were interpreted based on theoretical background and managerial implications for innovating business models were suggested.
− Prove quantitatively that BM is determinant of performance in construction industry
− Present generalized empirical evidence by applying construction contractors in worldwide
− Contribute to extend the body of knowledge on business model and its performance

Total 4건 1 페이지
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